Feb 2025 - Two New Gimmicks

I have two new gameplay additions to talk about!

The first addition: a second character. In some levels, you may be able to control a new character named Swat. You will be able switch between Teetoe and Swat by pressing the TAB key. The interesting part is that Swat and Teetoe have different abilities. Teetoe can fit into 1-block tunnels, but Swat cannot. (well I guess that's not really an ability but a side-effect of being small.) Swat can fly, although it is restricted to horizontal movement meaning you will still need Sproingers to be able to gain height. You will be able to fly by holding the up key (or should I make it so you double-tap it?) Also, Swat can pick up and throw Teetoe onto higher ledges and across gaps. Teetoe can't though.

I'll have it so in order to complete a two-character level, both characters will have to be present at the goal portal. Then it'll play a cute animation of Teetoe and Swat dancing and then they high five.

The second addition: effects. These are blocks that, upon being touched, will alter the gameplay in a certain way, by adding or freeing restrictions. I only have one effect type right now, which is the "Strong" effect. It will make it so the character that touches it will be able to move while holding something. Normally, you can't.

I have two other ideas for effects. I was thinking there would be an effect that would make it so the character that touches it will have a certain amount of health, and when it reaches zero the character will be permanently stunned. I thought of this because I was thinking of adding boss battles that would occur at the end of each world. Certainly I will have a boss battle that will involve the antagonist tossing Bombguys at you, and you having to throw it back at them. Another idea for an effect would be one that will prevent Swat from flying. This is mainly just to prevent the player being able to cheese puzzles, although I suppose I could also prevent this by putting a wall of Electroballs so that any flying Swats can't pass through it.

Anyway, I hope these additions will allow me to make more interesting puzzles. And now that there are two controllable characters, the "Marshmallows" in the name being plural makes sense... Maybe. Swat is more of a Notabug than a Marshmallow.

I haven't updated the playable build of the game though, because I didn't make any levels containing these two new gimmicks yet. I currently have four prototype levels with these features, however.

Get Sproingers & Marshmallows

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